Series: Contemporary Issues

Description: Contemporary Issues Christian perspectives on current events and societal trends

Perpetual Revolution

By Dr. Derek Carlsen

The world-renowned Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, was warned not to write about the atrocities committed by the Marxists who were ruling the Soviet Union. The warning was, “If you bring up the past, you will lose an eye”. His response was, “If you ignored the past, you would lose both eyes.” 

Nothing New Under the Sun

Knowing the past and making sure the truth is known about the past, is a vital ingredient in helping our generation to be wise in the present and future. One thing that becomes very clear when one compares our situation in the USA today with the times that Solzhenitsyn wrote about, is that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Peasants are Fodder

At the forefront of Lenin’s grasp for power in 1917, was his deceptive tactic of promising the peasants land (citizenship), and allowing them to seize it on their own, telling them it belonged to them. This they duly did, becoming a law unto themselves (sounds like border caravans). The reality, however, was that the previous landowners had much less land than the peasants had been led to believe. Furthermore, it wasn’t long before Lenin claimed his right to everything that the peasants grew on their newly acquired land. The revolution had been achieved, that is, Lenin had assumed the position of supreme power in the nation and that was all that mattered to him—the peasants had served their purpose. Whatever promises Lenin needed to make in order to attain his ambitions, or whatever promises needed to be broken later to secure his position didn’t matter, he did whatever was necessary to maintain his grasp on power—nothing else had any value or purpose.

Power is the Goal

Lenin correctly perceived that he needed the peasants’ support if he was to retain his precarious hold on power and so he promised them what they desired. Why did he do this? Because once he had consolidated his power, he knew he could manipulate the peasants however he wanted. 

The Ruse

How, one might ask, could Lenin so easily do a complete turn around and trample all over the principles he had previously espoused (i.e., I will give you the land; to only the state can own the land)? In order to justify his reversal, Lenin appealed to the Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism, which holds contradiction to be the central point in dialectics and is therefore at the very heart of Communism. 

Contradiction is Core

Since contradiction was at the core of Lenin’s philosophy of life, when he contradicted to his own previous views, he merely attributed this to how life, by necessity, must work. Such a philosophy is very convenient for tyrants, for it allows them complete freedom in their actions and policies, whereby they can “justify” (in the name of dialectics) anything they have to say and do in order to retain their hold on power. 


Lenin’s ruthless actions quickly made it clear that the “privilege” of using contradiction in this way was reserved for the elite leaders alone—everything was remade in accordance with the desires of these rulers (lords) and for the express purpose of them staying in control. We see this absolute control used to redefine the much-used term, ‘the dictatorship of the proletariat’ which in theory meant that the masses were the ones controlling the nation (this is the Marxists’ selling point, in other words, the way they try to make their philosophy attractive to the masses). In practice, however, it was/is always the dictatorship of the Party (the Elites/Ruling class). The Party (Elite) assumes that whatever it imagines to be best, is the best for the people, thus the Party’s desires are regarded as a direct mandate from “the people”. So, what is implemented in every area of life is what the Party wants, which is ultimately determined by the wishes of a few. Therefore, this supreme goal of the so called “dictatorship of the proletariat”, is actually, the dictatorship of the few over the many. There is nothing new under the sun!

The Poison of Power

Death and death threats were an essential ingredient in Lenin’s leadership strategy. His friend, the writer Maxim Gorky, said soon after the revolution, that Lenin and Trotsky were intoxicated by the foul poison of power and this was evidenced by their disgraceful attitude towards freedom of speech, the individual and all the other rights for which the democracy fought. Gorky was murdered! (Stalin, himself a mass murderer, attributed Gorky’s murder to Trotsky). 

Propaganda and Violence

What we see with Lenin is also true in every other case, namely, that when a political party resorts to propaganda and violence in an attempt to hold onto power, these actions confirm that they are only supported by a minority of the people. The only tools that dictators (tyrants) have are deception and violence, which they use with relish and great personal satisfaction. Lenin’s seizing of power in 1917 was achieved with a very small number of supporters and thus Lenin, from the beginning, reigned with an iron fist and not with popular consent.

Peasants are Pawns

Despite the fact that Lenin nationalised the produce of the land he had earlier “freely given” to the peasants, some of the harder working and more enterprising peasants were still able to do more than just survive. However, their success as farmers turned them into a class that was distinct from the rest of the peasants who worked for the state, and thus in time, they were labelled “kulaks”. 


The kulaks were called exploiters and were blamed for all the economic problems the nation and individuals were enduring—which was music to the ears of their envious neighbours. Marxism, ultimately promotes and institutionalises envy, covetousness and class warfare. Following the false charge of calling the kulaks “exploiters”, Stalin implemented of a specific policy to eliminate them as a class and so he set about turning all private land and private belongings into collective farms and collective property. 

Demonizing People

The term kulak was never defined, however, if someone hired labourers, or owned two horses or had a nice house they could be called a kulak, that is, if the revolutionary cause needed to define them as such. Why would the “people’s revolution” call people kulaks? Because the only way Marxism can survive is if it perpetuates a never-ending revolution and to have a revolution you need to have an enemy who can be blamed and then eradicated with the consent of the rest of the nation (e.g., white, straight males). 

A Failed Philosophy

A Marxist country’s hardships and gross inefficiencies are never tied to the philosophy of Marxism and their self-serving leaders, rather, the fault is always the kulaks—whoever or whatever they might be. Thus, there is a constant cycle of identifying and then neutralizing those people who are said to be causing the woes of the nation. Once such propaganda gains traction, war is declared against the kulaks (the perpetual revolution), though what is always promised, is that with the eradication of this particular group, the revolution will finally be completed and then everyone will possess whatever they desire; “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. The road of Marxism is perpetual revolution, because the fruit of Marxism is perpetual failure and thus new kulaks have to be constantly invented, identified, blamed and eliminated; “all for the good of the people”, which is what the state propaganda machine urges everyone to believe.

Established Pattern

It is no surprise to see how the Communists seized power in China: the elite leaders promised the peasants that they would be given land and all their debts would be cancelled. The landlords were wiped out and the land was given to the previous landless peasants, who began working the land with great joy. Yet once the Communist leaders had consolidated their grip on power, the peasants were of no more value to them and so all land was nationalised and those who worked the land became slaves of the state (the exact same ruse as the no boarders, caravan attracting philosophy—it’s not for the good of anyone!).

Out of Chaos

Another fundamental aspect in the philosophy of Marxism, is the belief that life, health and prosperity are birthed out of the revolution. It is claimed that out of chaos, paradise will blossom. This is held to with religious zeal and is clearly seen by the mindless destruction that is so commonly carried out by radical revolutionaries—past and present (the way to advance society is by burning and destroying).

Elite Control

The main reason for the perpetual revolution is to secure power for the elite rulers. This revolution, is in essence, a war, however, it is a war that is focused and contained within an area or among a certain class of people so that the rest of the nation does not get roused and be drawn in—the strategy is to isolate, divide, destroy and conquer. The elite rulers could never hold back the whole nation if it rose up together, but they can deal with isolated groups, one at a time. Thus, the rest of the nation is indoctrinated about the plight of the targeted kulaks, either due to their envy or by being indifferent about true justice after succumbing to the propaganda about the kulaks.

Back to Normal

The general feeling, therefore, while the kulaks are being eradicated, is that they are a dangerous, subversive bunch of people who are merely getting what they deserve. The rest of the nation separates themselves from the “subversive” kulaks and believes that the sooner this latest disturbance is settled the better for everyone. However, after the unopposed destruction of the kulaks, things do not improve. Why? Because another sinister group of kulaks has now arisen and is exploiting the masses, thus there will be no prosperity or peace until they too have been eliminated.

Lenin’s Promise

Lenin’s promise to the peasants in his day had one goal: to strengthen his grasp on power. Those who don’t see what’s happening in our days will reap the reward the Russian people reaped in Lenin’s days and become enslaved to a perverse, greedy, severely intolerant elite group of leaders. Lenin promised land and peace, but what he delivered was slavery and suffering—on a massive scale! Lenin, together with our present leaders, will only be remembered as perpetrators of a new and more despotic intolerance. Ever greater intolerance is always the policy adopted by those who lust after power, but only have minority support.

Christ is Lord

Perpetual revolution, which is inseparable from Marxism, has one objective: to keep tyrants in power. Vital to the success of this, is preventing the rest of the nation from becoming involved when war is unleashed against the targeted kulaks. Even those who are only slightly awake, however, ought to ask who is going to be identified as the next kulak class and become the chaff for the next purge cycle, since such purges are a tyrannical state’s life-blood. Marxism has to constantly orchestrate some kind of class conflict and they do this through propaganda whereby they incite and justify both envy and covetousness. In reality, the source of our national woes is not the latest “kulak group”, but our tyrannical leaders and thus there will be no relief from our calamities until they are removed from office and Christ is truly honoured as Lord over every area of life.